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Noblesville Schools has a comprehensive plan that is executed every time there is a consideration of a school delay or elearning day due to weather conditions.

We understand that our decision affects families and staff in a variety of ways. With that in mind, we are sharing the following information about the decision making process.

  • Our team assesses the safety of roads across the Noblesville Schools district early in the morning 
  • The team communicates their findings with one another
  • Superintendent Hile makes a decision to delay or cancel based on the information from the team

While everyone may not agree with the decision made, we wanted to share some of the rationale that is considered.

Typically, decisions to delay school are based on factors such as:

  1. Allowing more time for road crews to clear roads and for our staff to clear driveways, sidewalks, and parking lots
  2. Waiting for daylight to help buses and cars see students standing in roads if bus stops are not cleared from snow
  3. Giving buses more time to warm up and deal with any mechanical issues that may arise due to cold temperatures
  4. Checking the accuracy of weather forecasts because they do not always materialize as originally predicted
  5. In some cases, a couple of hours can make a difference with temperatures warming

Typically, decisions to use an eLearning day for inclement weather are based on factors such as:

  1. Roads being unpassable
  2. Buses not running
  3. County/state weather emergencies or road closures

Teachers will be available and support will be provided on eLearning for inclement weather days for students/parents. Parents can go here or call the Technology Helpdesk at 317-773-2130 for more eLearning information.

Parents often ask why delays and closure announcements are typically called in the morning (and sometimes at the last minute) instead of the night before. While we realize this timing can be more challenging for some parents, our top priority is for school to be in session as long as it's safe to do so. Most often there is a need to study forecasts, drive roads, and assess conditions in the early morning as weather and road conditions change frequently. 

We also use the National Weather Service wind chill chart to study temperatures/wind chills and length of time allowed outside before frostbite is a risk. On extremely cold days, outdoor recesses and activities may be canceled even if school is in session.

Notifications regarding weather delays, eLearning days and closings for Noblesville Schools will be communicated through the following means: 

  • Parent/staff email through the email address on file
  • Parent/staff phone call through the phone number on file
  • Parent/staff text through the cell phone number on file
  • ParentSquare app
  • Noblesville Schools Facebook page
  • Noblesville Schools Instagram page
  • Local TV media outlets 

We advise all parents and staff to provide current contact information to your school office. The ParentSquare communication system is also used in the case of emergencies.