Student iPad Information
At Noblesville Schools, we believe schools must address the challenges of today and align with what students need to know in the 21st Century. Careers demand not only digital skills, but also the ability to work collaboratively and creatively and engage in independent research — all skills that are enabled and enhanced by technology. To help achieve this goal, we issue all of our students in grades K thru 12 an iPad for student use. Below you will find information on iPad management, insurance and frequently asked questions.
iPad Management
Managing screen time and student iPads
At home the parent/guardian is in charge. You have the right to make the rules as to when your child can use the device at home. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the best way to manage iPad's use. Here are some settings that you should become familiar with which will help you manage your child's iPad.
Noblesville Schools have a system-wide filter for student iPads. Settings are different for students depending on their grade level, with K-5 being the most "locked down" and content being more open at the middle and high school levels.That said, no filter is perfect. We strongly suggest that you set expectations and goals with your students for their iPad learning time, and closely monitor how they are spending this time. Set up a learning space near where adults are working (or where they can easily pop out and see screens) and hold kids and teens accountable. Is this easy? Those of us with school aged kids who are navigating this same situation can emphatically say "NO!" but also realize the importance of setting rules and expectations early, and holding both ourselves and our children to them.
For additional information, please visit Technology Documents and Forms
iPad FAQs
When will my child receive their iPad?
iPads will be distributed at each of our school sites to all K - 12th grade students. In general, elementary school students will receive iPads after school has started during the school day. Many middle and high school students may receive iPads at events prior to the start of school. For additional information, contact your school.
Will the district charge a fee for the device my student uses?
No, there are no fees with associated with the devices issues to students.
Will students need the internet to use the device at home?
No. While it may be easier to do some work with access to the internet, students will be able to download most information they need onto their device to work on at home. If a student needs assistance with internet please see our Every Miller Connected page.
Can personal apps be installed on the iPads?
No. Access to the App Store for students is restricted. Instead Apps are available to students via our Self Service system. Apps in the Self Service system are requested by teachers and are reviewed via a third-party organization to insure privacy levels and management of student data adhere to the expectations of Child Online Protection Act (COPA) and the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
How can students and parents monitor screen time?
Students and parents/guardians are able to use the Screen Time iPad settings. Students will find the data informative about how they use their school iPad. They can use the settings to get a clear picture of what apps they use the most, where they spend the most time, and even how often they pick up their device during the day.
As a parent/guardian, what control do I have of the device at home?
At home the parent/guardian is in charge. You have the right to make the rules as to when the student can use the device at home.
Can parents/guardians use the device?
While the devices are meant for student use, we encourage parents to explore and learn alongside their students. We also encourage parents to check the devices on a regular basis to see how their students are using them.
What if my child needs tech support? Who do they ask for help?
Technology Support for Students and Families webpage.
Please call our family support line at 317-773-2130 between the hours of 8AM and 4PM. A phone tree will direct you to select your school, then direct you to someone who can help!
What happens if my child's iPad is lost, damaged, stolen, etc.?
Noblesville Schools reserves the right to require full payment of a new iPad if a student or any member of a student's family loses the iPad, causes deliberate, malicious, and/or negligent damage to the iPad or contributes to or is involved in the theft of the iPad. All students are automatically enrolled in our device protection program, MillerCare+
Can students purchase their devices?
Not at this time.