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Resources for Parents - Internet Safety

parent and child tablet

Learning with technology, whether with a math app, a video how-to, or a wiki, opens up a new world of discovery for kids. And as they access information in novel ways, kids are preparing for life in a new interconnected, global world.   

With the proliferation of devices comes concerns regarding cyberbullying, screentime, digital citizenship, media literacy, and exposure to inappropriate content. For parents, keeping up it all can be a daunting challenge.  

The resources below provide answers to some of these questions:

  • What can parents do to help kids use these devices responsibly? 
  • When online, how can parents make sure their children are safe? 
  • What can parents do prevent the sharing of personally identifiable information? 
  • How can I teach my children to build a positive digital footprint?  

Participate in our Parenting in the Digital Age course delivered through the Canvas.  This self-paced course is available throughout the year.     

Raising Digital Citizens - This is a collection of resources intended to support and encourage the responsible use of digital tools.  

For additional information, check out some of the valuable resources below. 


Noblesville Schools uses intelligent monitoring of our students’ Google Apps and internet searches during the school day to continually monitor Gmail messages, Gchat conversations, internet searching and Google Drive documents. If a problem is detected, parents will be notified directly. Parent attention to digital activity is particularly important when school monitoring is not in place on evenings, weekends, and days when school is not in session.

Student Access to YouTube  

We support the use of YouTube on student devices. Students in grades K-8 have limited access and may only view teacher approved videos. Students in grades 9-12 have expanded access and usage is monitored at school through safe search queries and Apple Classroom. For students in grades 9-12, our preventative measures are less effective outside of our network and require increased parent supervision of student use.  

Read reviews of YouTube's most popular channels for kids, and learn more about the video service, including ways to make it safer, what to do if your kid wants their own YouTube channel, and how to find quality content.  

Children's Internet Protection Act  

As recipients of federal funds allocated through the eRate program, Noblesville Schools is in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).   The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted by Congress in 2000 to address concerns about children's access to obscene or harmful content over the Internet.  

If you would like to learn more about our compliance with this law including our:

  • Internet safety policy
  • Technology protection measures
  • Internet filters
  • Monitoring of the online activities of minors
  • Education of minors about appropriate online behavior
  • Education about cyberbullying awareness and response

Please contact Andrew Swickheimer or call us at 317.773.3171

Click here to learn more about the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA).


Parenting in the Digital Age Screenshot



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