Haga clic aquí para Guía del usuario de Google NS Estudiante Básico
Login Information
- Go to www.google.com.
- Click on the “sign in” button in the upper right hand corner
- Email = first_lastname_gradyear@nobl.k12.in.us (then click next)
- Network Password = Located on student schedule. The Teacher & Technology Department can also provide the password if needed.
- This will ensure students have access to teacher approved YouTube videos.
Access email at https://accounts.google.com
Google Drive
- How do students create folders in my Google Drive account?
- Click on the Google App Launcher (square made up of dots) in the upper right hand corner
- Choose the Drive Icon (triangle)
- Click on the red “New” button
- Choose folder – Name folder – Click create
- How do students move documents into folders inside my Google Drive account?
- Select the folder you want to move it to and click “move here”
- How to share Google Drive items
Google Docs
Students can create a Google Doc on their iPad’s web browser or by using the Doc App on the iPad.
- Click on the Google App Launcher (square made up of dots) in the upper right hand corner.
- Choose Google Docs
- Click on the + (blank) box and give the new Google Doc a title
- How do students upload a Google Doc from school Google Drive account to Canvas? https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-3424
- How do students upload a Google Doc from their personal Google Drive account to Canvas?
Open Google Docs
Click File - choose “download as” – choose PDF Document
Save PDF Document
Continue by following these directions https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-3128
Videos are blocked with a YouTube Safe Mode. Student devices are set to the most restricted mode.
Teachers approve blocked videos. Students must be signed in to the school Google Account to access approved videos on school devices. If a student is not signed in with their Noblesville Schools Gmail Account, the most restrictive setting will be enforced.
If a student is using Google Chrome & are having issues accessing it, go to the 3 dots, and clear browsing data. If Youtube isn't open for a student, they can click the “Request Desktop Website”.
How do students switch to a different Google account?
Click on the circle in the upper right hand corner
Select “sign out”
Choose the preferred Google account