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Data privacy information for teachers/staff

Vetting Process for Online Tools

All apps, software, and subscribed web resources that collect student data must be vetted and pre-approved by the Technology Department (free or paid). A list of approved software and tools that require login or collect student data approved by NS are located on this spreadsheet. All NS staff should reference this list prior to using apps, software, and subscribed web resources that collect student data. 

If a staff member identifies a new online tool that collects student data, please follow the approval procedure listed below. 

Digital Content/Tools Approval Process

Step 1 - The teacher finds a new digital resource.
Step 2 - Staff member checks if the digital resource is on the district-approved technology resource spreadsheet. 
Step 3 - A staff member submits a proposal if the resource is outside the district-approved list.  
Step 4 - Using NS - Digital Tool Data Privacy Evaluation Procedure, the Digital Content Manager vets the proposal. If resources could go district-wide or include subscription fees, DCM will bring the proposal to the curriculum, instruction, and assessment team for review.
Step 5 - The Digital Content Manager or the CIA team will approve/deny and communicate with the building staff member.
Step 6 - Building purchases with school/PTO funds or district purchases with available funds. 

Press Ctrl + F on your keyboard to open the Find box and search for a product or other criteria.

NS - Approved Technology Resources

Additional information regarding the NS vetting process for online tools can be found at this link

Staff: Training Resources and Guidance

All Staff/Teachers:



School Counselor:



For any staff who physically handle or administer state testing materials: