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Noblesville Community Resources

Noblesville Schools works closely with and is honored to have community support. Many of our students and families in need have assistance available to them through programs within Hamilton County and surrounding areas.  If you have specific questions about resources, please contact the school counselor or social worker assigned to your student's building.  

Food Resources in the State of IndianaUse this FSSA Food Map to locate local food pantries by zip code or address.   

Therapy ServiceCommunity Health Network provides school-based services and additional information can be found here.  You can find other providers in the area by visiting Lookup Indiana.  

Noblesville Youth Assistance ProgramThe goal of NYAP is to help children and families identify, coordinate, and take advantage of services or programs in Hamilton County or the surrounding areas. To learn more NYAP

Boys and Girls Club of NoblesvilleThe Boys and Girls Club provides after school programming, mentoring, tutoring and sports activities. 

Cherish - Child Advocacy, Abuse Intervention, and PreventionCherish is a non-profit organization that assists and protects children by removing barriers to investigation and treatment, as well as provides regional leadership in combating child abuse and exploitation.

Fueled for School - Food Support : Fueled for School gives Noblesville Schools students nutritious weekend meal packs to reduce food insecurity and promote the educational value of nutrition. 

Noblesville Township TrusteeTownship Trustee offers assistance to residents in need within their township.  Assistance may include rent, mortgage, utility and food. To learn more Noblesville Township Trustee

Prevail - Advocating for Victims of Crime and AbusePrevail provides crisis intervention and restorative support services for adult, adolescent and child survivors of crime and abuse.