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Compass Mentoring

Together We: Navigate Paths. Elevate Futures.

Compass Mentoring is a school-based, volunteer mentoring program that provides an opportunity for students to build another developmental relationship with a trusted, caring adult who offers support, guidance, and encouragement to help students overcome challenges, and set and reach goals.

We believe in:

  • Building strong developmental relationships with trusted, caring adults in order to cultivate skills to navigate life paths.
  • Creating opportunities that enhance strengths and promote a growth mindset for students to engage with and contribute to the world around them.
  • Partnering with schools and families in order to expand students’ access to strong developmental relationships. 
  • Utilizing research-based methods informed by neuroscience and youth development.  
Information for Mentors
Information for Families
Mentor Application

Informational Sessions

If you would like to attend an informational session to learn more about becoming a mentor or are interested in scheduling one for a group or company, please fill out this form: Compass Mentoring Informational Session

Contact Information

If you have questions or would like to find out more about Compass Mentoring, please email Nicole McClain, Mentor Coordinator.