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Bullying Prevention

Noblesville Schools aims to ensure that all students receive a safe and meaningful education, free from bullying: physical, verbal, social/relational, electronic/written communication or any combination of such. It is our goal to educate students/staff/parents with the definition of bullying, implement bullying prevention evidence-based practices, follow reporting procedures and continually update our safe school committee in each building.       
 Indiana's Bullying Legislation

IC 20-33-8-0.2 "Bullying" Sec. 0.2. As used in this chapter, "bullying" means overt, repeated acts or gestures, including: (1) verbal or written communications transmitted; (2) physical acts committed; or (3) any other behaviors committed; by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other student.

Bullying / IDOE    

Help for Students and Parents

Are you wondering what you can do as a parent or a student? Below are some great resources to get you started on your way towards a happier and safer school and community life.

Student and parent resources:

Administration Contact