Student Services
Welcome to Noblesville Schools’ Student Services Department website! The Student Services Department believes in developing relationships with students, staff, and families that cultivate trust, empathy, and respect. Through these relationships, we strive to meet the unique physical, social and emotional needs of all. We continually enhance practices and procedures to ensure we provide the best services and support.
We want this site to be both informative and easy to use. Please peruse our website and if you have any questions or comments, please contact me, Julie Thacker, Executive Director of Student Services, at 317-773-3171, or
Community Resources
For immediate help and access to essential community resources, dial 2-1-1 or 1-866-211-9966 to connect to resources in your community.
Crisis Resources
Suicide Prevention and Crisis Lifeline
The Indiana 988 Lifeline is available 24/7/365. Your conversations are free and confidential.
Mental Health America of Greater Indianapolis
Phone (317) 251-7575; Text Line: text the code CSIS to the number 839863
Community Health Crisis Center
Community Health Network offers inpatient and outpatient services for youth (ages 5-18), adults and seniors. Call 317-621-5700: for crisis care, select option #1; to schedule a first-time appointment, select option #2. For substance use disorder treatment, contact Community Fairbanks Recovery Center at 800-225-4673.
Health Services (Nursing information and forms for parents)
New Student Enrollment (New student enrollment, currently enrolled student annual demographic verification, or Kindergarten Round-up & Screening information)
2024-2025 District Tutoring List (This is a list of current Noblesville Schools teachers who are interested in offering tutoring services to students. Contact the tutor directly for more information.)