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Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release.   The process of a controlled release is called a reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, fire in a small part of the building, a gas leak, or an act of violence.  The reunification process is a protocol that makes the process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved.  In the event of a reunification, our goal is to try to reunite parents with their child(ren) as soon as possible.  Students would be bussed from the site of the crisis to an off-site location.  This information would be communicated to parents at the time of the incident.  This conveys the critical need for schools to have the most updated and current contact informatioin for parents and guardians so if there is an emergency, you can be contacted quickly.  If parents/guardians move, change phone numbers, or have a new email address, they need to remember to inform the school so they can be reached in an emergency.  It is also important to have an emergency contact on file so that if the primary contacts are unable to be reached, the school can contact this individual.  If a reunification is put into action, it is of utmost importance that parents/guardians or emergency contacts bring a driver's license or ID with them to pick up  their child/student.