Volunteers/Visitors Application
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Noblesville Schools Volunteer/Visitor Status Determination List
Noblesville School administration will utilize the following guidelines for determining the volunteer status of individuals who seek to assist the schools in such capacities as the following: student tutoring, attending and chaperoning school field trips and/or any extracurricular activities, driving students to events, attending lunch or classroom parties, providing classroom assistance, or assisting with any other school-conducted activities that might place the volunteer candidate in direct or indirect supervision or an assistant role with students.
Volunteer/visitor assistance status levels include the following determinations and their definition:
Full Participatory Status:
This level indicates that there are no restrictions or precautions needing to be in place for the volunteer. Either no misdemeanor or felony offenses are present on the criminal history report or the offense and/or the time of commission is considered to be significantly in the past or of no concern at this time.
Denied Participatory Status:
Criminal or misdemeanor convictions are present on the legal report, and they are deemed serious or recent enough that it is necessary to fully restrict the applicant from assisting the school with any student activities.
- No felony convictions
- No battery convictions
- No sexual offenses
- No crimes against children
- No misdemeanor convictions in the past 5 years (determined by the conviction year)
- If applicant is convicted of 2 misdemeanors within 5 years of each other, the application will be fully denied even if 5 years has elapsed since most recent misdemeanor.
- No pending cases for disqualifying felony or misdemeanors
- No open warrants or arrests with pending adjudication
All denied candidates may file a written appeal with the Noblesville Schools Safety and Security Department. The appeals committee will examine the appeal, criminal history report, and initial determination and make a final determination regarding the candidate’s volunteer status. Appeal candidates will receive by mail and email the appeals decision. The appeals committee's decision is final.
If you would like to join our volunteers/visitors, please select the link below.