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Miller Explorers

Welcome to the Miller Explorers Before and After School Program! As a part of Noblesville Schools, we are happy to have the opportunity to provide before and after school services for students (K-6) enrolled in Noblesville Schools. Our mission is to inspire students to create, discover, and imagine. We cultivate a culture of community, connection, and respect through hands-on, exploratory-based learning experiences. We are pleased that you have chosen us to care for your student, and we pledge to take that responsibility very seriously.

Hours of Operation

6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (excluding school day hours)

2024-2025 Weekly Enrollment Options & Pricing

  • 3 day am $40/week

  • 3 day pm $75//week

  • 3 day $95/week

  • 5 day am $50/week

  • 5 day pm $100/week

  • 5 day am/pm $120/week

There is a one-time $30 registration fee for all weekly options. 

Reduced weekly rates are available for families receiving free/reduced lunch.  

Military Discount - 10%
Multi-Child Discount - 10% after the first child
Free or Reduced Discount (you must receive this discount through Food Services)
Noblesville Staff - 10%

*Discounts can not be combined*

Additional Questions? 



Boy coloring a picture


2 girls playing with a scooter board in the gym


Children playing chess


Girl stacking blocks