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Have you read through the Little Millers Preschool Guidelines and still have questions? Below are many answers to our frequently asked questions!


What does my student need for supplies?

The LMP school supply list can be found here.  Please know that each teacher may request specific supplies depending on their classroom set-up and/or building location.  


How many other students and staff are in the classroom?

Each classroom has approximately 20 students and 3 staff members.  


Is lunch provided?

A school lunch as well as two school-provided snacks are provided every day (included in the student’s tuition).  All meals and snacks are provided by the Noblesville Schools food services and are nut-free.  Caregivers do not need to put money into a lunch account for their preschool student.  We ask that unless your student has a specific allergy that prevents them from eating the food services’ snack, do not send in separate snack items for your student.  Families may pack a home lunch if their student won’t eat the hot or cold school-provided lunch, however, tuition is not adjusted if a student’s lunch is brought from home.  If you do pack your student’s lunch, please be mindful of classroom allergies, and do not send items that contain nuts (i.e. peanut butter, reese cups, nutter butters, etc.)


Will I receive daily communication from my student’s teacher?

You may not receive daily communication from your student’s teacher, however, you will receive a weekly overview of the learning happening in the classroom.  While our staff do their very best to share the exciting learning experiences that happen daily, our staff’s primary focus is to care for the students during the school day.  However, if you ever have a question about your student’s day or need to make the teacher aware of any personal concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your student’s teacher! 

Parent Square is the communication tool used for PreK-12th grade for all Noblesville Schools families.  At the beginning of the school year, caregivers will receive information on how to set up their Parent Square account.  Your student’s teacher will be primarily communicating classroom information through Parent Square, so please ensure you consistently check this app for important updates and information.  


Is transportation provided?

No, students must be dropped off and picked up at the school.  The only exception is if your student qualifies to receive transportation as part of their special education IEP.


What does drop-off look like?

Students registered for a before-school option will be dropped off through Miller Explorers (our before/after school care program).  The Site Leader for Miller Explorers will communicate drop-off procedures just before the start of the school year.  Students registered in a before-school option may attend Miller Explorers from 6:30-7:35 a.m.

Students NOT registered for a before-school care option will utilize the car rider line at the school.  There will be MANY building staff members present to assist the student out of the car.  Caregivers should remain in their car at drop off.  It is recommended that the caregiver help the student unbuckle their car seat and collect all of their belongings as they wait in line to exit the vehicle.  An LMP staff member will be present to ensure all car rider students have safely exited the car prior to walking the students to the classroom.  


What does pick-up look like?

The school day ends at 2:35 p.m. Students enrolled in the school day only option must be pick-up through the car rider line every day (a late pick-up fee will not be charged until the last car in the line has pulled away).  Again, caregivers should remain in their car at pick-up.  A building staff member will assist your student into the car.  Please ensure that your student has an appropriate car seat to sit in- even if it’s a short ride home! Also be advised that a staff member is unable to buckle in the student.  If the caregiver needs to buckle the student into the car seat, please pull off to the side of the line AFTER your student has entered the car. 

Students enrolled in an after-school care option will remain with an LMP staff member until 4:30 p.m. At 4:30 p.m., the LMP staff member will walk the remaining preschool students to join the Miller Explorers program beginning at 4:30 p.m.  Your student’s teacher as well as your student’s Site Leader for Miller Explorers will communicate specific information regarding pick-up procedures prior to the start of the school year. 

Can I drop my student off later than 7:55 a.m.?

Our classrooms operate as preschool classrooms rather than daycare settings. While we understand that there may be occasional morning appointments, our teachers follow a routine that makes it difficult for students to consistently join late.  Additionally, anytime a student arrives after the car rider line ends, a staff member must leave the classroom in order to safely retrieve that student from the office, taking a staff member away from the needs of the other students in the classroom. 


What does being potty trained really mean? 

Students must be able to independently use the restroom without adult assistance.  This includes communicating the need to use the restroom, pulling up/down pants, wiping themselves, flushing the toilet, and washing hands.  Staff members are not able to wipe students. Most of the LMP classrooms do not have restrooms attached.  Although the class will take regular restroom breaks, we may not take them as frequently as a student learning to be potty trained would need (such as every hour).  Any additional restroom break a student needs requires a staff member to travel to the bathroom with that student, pulling the staff member away from the rest of the class.  Of course, our staff is more than willing to take students to the bathroom when needed.  Additionally, our team understands that accidents happen! However, if a student repeatedly shows signs of not being potty trained, a discussion about whether or not LMP is the right placement will be held within the first two weeks of school.  


My student doesn’t nap anymore!

We have a designated rest time for all students, and the expectation is that all students rest their bodies during that time.  Caregivers are often surprised that their student fell asleep at school.  Know that the school environment is much different than the home environment, and students often need that time to recharge.  Students do not HAVE to sleep, however, they must rest their bodies safely and quietly on their cots while the other students do sleep.  Additionally, staff are not able to purposefully keep a child awake if a caregiver requests that their student shouldn’t sleep.  


Can I send in birthday treats on my student’s birthday?

Please do NOT send in food items or balloons for your student’s birthday.  Our teachers will ensure your student is celebrated on their birthday! 

Can my student bring a toy from home?

We kindly ask your student to leave their personal belongings at home.  There may be special occasions when your student’s teacher communicates an opportunity to bring in a special item.  Otherwise, we find that items brought from home frequently cause classroom disruptions. 


Can my student miss a day of school each week for special one-on-one time with caregivers?

Just as described above, our classrooms operate as preschool classrooms rather than daycare settings.  We understand that there will be times when a student must be out of the classroom (illnesses, special situations, appointments, etc.).  However, your student is an integral part of the classroom environment, and we will miss them while they are out! Additionally, our curriculum is designed to evolve throughout the school year rather than stand-alone daily activities.  Therefore, your student might be disappointed to miss learning experiences while they are away from the classroom.

Additionally, Indiana does count the attendance of our preschool students in the overall attendance calculation for the district.  We encourage our families to send their healthy students to school excluding emergencies, illness, or special circumstances! Scheduled eLearning days would be a wonderful opportunity to book appointments or schedule special family experiences.


Is LMP open on snow days? Teacher work days? Professional Development Days?

LMP is closed on snow days.  LMP is closed on teacher work days.  LMP is open on Professional Development Days at 2 sites.  Families must register to attend.  Please click here for more information. 


Can I come into my student’s classroom?

We welcome visitors into our classroom who have passed the district’s level 3 background check.  More information on how to become a volunteer can be found here.  Please check with your student’s teacher on when an appropriate time to visit and/or volunteer might be for the classroom schedule. 

How can I best support my student in LMP?

Find ways to foster your student’s independence.  Preschoolers are capable of MUCH more than adults give them credit for! Allow your student to do things for themselves: instruct them to clean up their meals, dress themselves independently, put away their own toys or laundry, and be responsible for age-appropriate chores.  Additionally, encourage students to solve their own problems.  As adults, we know that it’s sometimes faster if we do it ourselves!  However, encourage students to go through the challenge of fully completing a task.  We (they) can do hard things!

How can I best support my student’s LMP teacher?

Trust your student’s teacher to provide the best learning experience for your student.  Our staff are trained early childhood professionals.  It can be uncomfortable for caregivers not to know every detail that goes on in your student’s day.  Rest assured that you will be immediately notified if your student needs you!