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All licenses that are valid on the first day of the academic school year shall be considered valid for the duration of that academic school year. (Professional Standards Board; Rule 47, Sec 2; filed Dec 10, 1975, 2:50 p.m.: Rules and Regs. 1976, p. 249) NOTE: Transferred from the Commission on Teacher Training and Licensing (530 IAC 2-2-3) to the Indiana State Board of Education (511 IAC 10-2-3) by P.L.20-1984, SECTION 206, effective July 1, 1984. NOTE: Transferred from the Indiana State Board of Education (511 IAC 10-2-3) to the Professional Standards Board (515 IAC 1-2-3) by P.L.46-1992, SECTION 19, effective July 1, 1992.