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Immunization information

School Immunizations for 2025.26:

Pre-K Required: 

  • 3 Hepatitis B 
  • 4 DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis)
  • 3 Polio
  • 1 Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)
  • 2 Hepatitis A 

Recommended: Annual influenza and COVID-19

Grades K-5 Required:

  •  3 Hepatitis B
  • 5 DTaP
  • 4 Polio
  • 2 Varicella
  • 2 MMR
  • 2 Hepatitis A 

Recommended: Annual influenza and COVID-19 

Grades 6-11 Required:

  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 5 DTaP
  • 4 Polio
  • 2 Varicella
  • 2 MMR
  • 2 Hepatitis A
  • 1 MCV4 (Meningococcal)
  • 1 Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) 

Recommended: Annual influenza, 2 or 3 HPV (Human papillomavirus), and COVID-19 

Grade 12 Required:

  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 5 DTaP
  • 4 Polio
  • 2 Varicella
  • 2 MMR
  • 2 Hepatitis A
  • 2 MCV4
  • 1 Tdap 

Recommended: Annual influenza, 2 or 3 HPV, 2 MenB (Meningococcal), and COVID-19 

HepB: The minimum age for the third dose of Hepatitis B is 24 weeks of age. 

DTaP: Four doses of DTaP/DTP/DT are acceptable if fourth dose was administered on or after the fourth birthday.

Polio*: Three doses of Polio are acceptable for all grade levels if the third dose was given on or after the fourth birthday and at least six months after the previous dose. *For students in grades K-12, the final dose must be administered on or after the fourth birthday and be administered at least six months after the previous dose.

Varicella: Physician documentation of disease history, including month and year, is proof of immunity for children entering preschool through 12th grade. Parent report of disease history is not acceptable.

Tdap: There is no minimum interval from the last Td dose.

MCV4: Individuals who receive their first dose on or after their 16th birthday only need one dose of MCV4. Hepatitis A: The minimum interval between first and second dose is six calendar months. Two doses are required for all grade levels.

Updated 1/28/2025

Vaccination options other than your medical provider:  see the following websites

Walgreens Pharmacy

CVS Pharmacy

Hamilton County Health Department

Heart And Soul Clinic

Trinity Free Clinic

Vaccine Requirements Linked Below 

2025-26 School Immunization Requirements

2024-25 School Immunization Requirements Spanish(25.26 update coming soon)
Exemption Religious Waiver form
Exemption Medical Health Waiver form
Hamilton County Health Department (HCHD) Registration form
Hamilton County Health Department Immunization clinic
Hamilton County Health Department immunization clinic (Spanish)
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) parent letter
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) parent letter (Spanish)
Human Papillomavirus Virus information
Meningococcal Parent Information
Meningococcal Parent Information (Spanish)
Meningococcal Quick Facts
Pertussis Parent Letter
Pertussis Quick Facts