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Forms Medication at School Medical Management order templates

Medical Forms

Dropping off parent provided medications at school:

To safeguard the transportation of medication to and from school, all prescription and over the counter medication should be brought to the health center by a parent or guardian. Students are not permitted to carry any medication without a physician’s statement in writing.  Any final decision on the administraton of medications will be made by the Noblesville Schools' ESC Administration.

For over the counter medication- it must be in the original package with the dosing information present. The nurse can only give the dose listed on the manufacturer's package label.  If your medical provider has ordered your child to take the medication in a different manner than the label instructs, the school nurse will need a prescription order from your medical provider.     

For prescription medication- it must be in a prescription bottle with the most current dosing information and the student's name on the label along with a written order from your medical provider.   Note: any unused medication unclaimed by the the parent by the last student day of school will be destroyed.  No medication will be will be transferred to the next school building or stored in the health clinic over the summer.

Please click on the Parent Provided Medication Permission link.  Sign and bring with you to the nurse clinic to sign in the medication.   Parent Provided Medication at School Permission form


School supplied over-the-counter medication:  School stocked medication is only given in limited supply. 

Parent permission is located in the PowerSchool Parent Portal, use the Forms link in the left menu.  The  Forms screen shows a list of all forms. 

Click on the form named Permission to Administer Medications and be sure to use the Submit button.

Medical Management physician or medical provider order templates for the following:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Life Threatening Allergy
  • Seizure

Please click: Medical Management Order templates