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Pricing & Payment Options

  • Breakfast = $1.50
  • Lunch Elementary = $2.40
  • Lunch Middle/High = $2.65

Adult meals are priced per item sold and not are not subsidized as student meals are.  Little Miller's Preschool meals are not subsidized as student meals are.

Online Payments

Login or register at Linq Connect to make an online payment. 

How to set up an account in Linq Connect FAQ:

Pay by Cash or Check

You may send cash or check to school with your child or drop money off at the Education Service Center. Students in elementary school can give money to their classroom teacher. Middle and High School students can turn in money to student services or in the assigned cafeteria lockboxes. Money must be placed in a sealed envelope with the student's first and last name. Checks should be made out to "Noblesville Schools Cafeteria" and include the student name or ID number on the memo line. 

Refunds & Transfers 

Meal account balances both negative and positive follow students until they withdraw from Noblesville Schools or graduate from Noblesville High School. Upon withdrawing or graduating, parents/guardians may request a refund of unused funds. Accounts must be over $5.00 and other siblings cannot have a negative owed balance. 

Complete the form linked below to request a refund check, transfer funds from one child to another, or make a donation. 

Refund Form 

Meal Charging Policy

The cafeteria uses a pre-pay system. Money should be on account for purchased meals and snacks/extras. If there is not money on account, students will be allowed to take a school meal and charge their account into the negative. We will not allow students to charge snacks/extras. Families will be required to pay back any charges owed. Charges not paid are subject to collections at the end of the school year.

Meal Checkout Procedure 

Meal accounts are like debit accounts and money should be available for purchasing if needed.

Elementary students will scan their index finger which will deduct purchases from their account. Elementary students are required to purchase a meal if a meal is not provided from home. 

Information about finger scanning can be found HERE.

Middle School and High School students will type in their six-digit student ID number which will deduct purchases from their account. Students are not required to take meals. 

No cash or check accepted at checkout.