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SUN Bucks

SUN Bucks

Indiana SUN Bucks logo

Summer 2024 will be the first year for Indiana SUN Bucks, a new benefits program that provides families $120 for each eligible school-aged child to buy groceries when school is out. Summer is a time when many children lose the free and reduced-price meals they get at school, and when households might need a little extra help putting meals on the table. Most eligible families will get these benefits automatically, but some parents will need to apply. This new program is available in addition to free meals that kids of all ages can get at summer meal sites in their communities.

Benefits of SUN Bucks

  • Helps parents and caregivers buy healthy foods for their children.
  • Gives families the flexibility to select foods that fit their culture and lifestyle.
  • Improves food security and diet quality for participating children.


Children are eligible for the program if:

  • the household already participates in SNAP, TANF, some income based Medicaid,
  • the school-aged child is a foster child defined as being a ward of the state, OR
  • the child attends a school that offers the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program and the household income meets the requirements for free or reduced-price school meals.

Do I need to apply for SUN Bucks (Summer EBT)?

apple Your child automatically qualifies and you do NOT need to apply for SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) benefits if your child:

  • Attended a school operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and was approved for free or reduced benefits during the 2023-2024 school year;
  • Attended a school implementing the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and was notified of Direct Certification status during the 2023-2024 school year; or
  • Attended a school that was not operating the National School Lunch Program (neither non-CEP or CEP) but is receiving SNAP, TANF, or certain levels of Medicaid benefits, or are foster.

apple You DO need to apply for SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) benefits if your child:

  • Attended a CEP school but was not notified of Direct Certification status during the 2023-2024 school year; or
  • Attended an NSLP school but was not approved for free or reduced benefits during the 2023-2024 school year.

If not previously notified of free or reduced eligibility in the 2023-2024 school year, apply for the program HERE.

Please note! Households should apply for SUN Bucks (Summer EBT) benefits in the state where their children completed the 2023-2024 school year. Households that have moved to Indiana after the school year ended must reach out to their last state of residence to inquire about their SUN Bucks eligibility.

More Information

  • Qualified families will receive $120 for each eligible child on separate cards that you can use to buy food during the summer at grocery stores or anywhere that accepts SNAP EBT. If you receive more than $120 per eligible child in your household, do not use the benefits and contact as soon as possible to confirm or correct the error. 
  • SUN Bucks will be mailed to you at the mailing address listed in PowerSchool. SUN Bucks benefits will be available for use by June 1, 2024, and must be used no later than 122 days after card issuance, after which the benefits will no longer be available. Receiving SUN Bucks will not affect children or families' immigration status.
  • If your address has changed recently and you have not yet updated it with school, you will want to contact the school building registrar to update the address. This must be done for each eligible child. This must be completed by May 1, 2024. 
  • If you do not wish to participate in SUN Bucks, please submit to the online SUN Bucks help form:
  • In addition to SUN Bucks, the children under 18 years of age in your household can also receive free meals during the summer at a summer meal site. You can call 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (or text 914-342-7744 with the keyword "summer meals") to find the location closest to you.