Noblesville Schools is celebrating National Nutrition Month throughout March, embracing the 2024 theme, "Food Connects Us." This year's focus highlights the powerful role food plays in bringing people together, from family dinners to cultural celebrations. Sharing a meal creates a sense of community, strengthens bonds, and fosters lasting memories. Noblesville Schools recognizes the vital connection between nutrition and student success, understanding that access to healthy school meals contributes to improved health and academic performance. With each meal served, we are committed to promoting nutritious food choices and educating students about the importance of a balanced diet for their overall well-being.
We'd love to hear from our student community to learn about your food and taste preferences! This survey will help the cafeteria better connect with you and serve nutritious meals that you enjoy. By understanding your preferences, we can tailor school menus to better represent the needs of our school community.
*The survey is designed to be completed by students, but parents may feel free to assist their students if needed. Additionally, during the week of March 3-7th, students will have the opportunity to complete the survey at school. If you have any concerns, please contact Christine Stinson at
DID YOU KNOW...Eating school breakfast connects students to better health by providing essential nutrients that fuel their bodies and minds. This, in turn, fuels better academic performance by improving concentration, memory, and overall cognitive function, leading to increased learning potential and classroom success.
As part of National Nutrition Month, we will also be celebrating National School Breakfast Week in late March. Noblesville Schools is committed to ensuring all students have access to a healthy breakfast, setting them up for success in the classroom and beyond.
To learn more about National Nutrition Month and the connection between food preferences, health, and school meals, please visit the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics website & the School Nutrition Association website.
Follow the links to our Nutrition Education page and Nutrition & Fitness page for resources on how Food Connects Us to a healthy lifestyle.