High School Equivalency Credentials Test GED
Indiana High School Equivalency Credentials Test (formerly GED)
Who can take the HSE?
- Anyone living in Indiana for a minimum of 30 days before taking the test.
- Those who have not already earned a diploma from an accredited high school in the United States.
- Students who are at least 16 years of age.
What’s new with HSE?
- Students will now take the Indiana HSE test to earn their HSE Diploma. The two available HSE examinations are the GED® and the HiSET®.
- Official transcripts will show student’s Indiana HSE test scores.
- Students can now take the test using a computer. A traditional paper and pencil version is also available.
- The content of the test matches current Indiana high school academic demands.
How do I prepare?
- Enroll by calling 765-552-4122 to sign up for free classes for anyone age 16 or older who has not earned a high school diploma or who needs some help preparing to be College and Career Ready.
- For more information, email nmitchell@hindscc.k12.
in.us or call 1-765-552-4122 for the John Hinds Career Center Adult Basic Education Program 1105 N 19th Street Elwood, IN 46036. - For more HSE Exam information, visit https://
hindscareercenter.org/ programs-assessments/adult- basic-education/high-school- equivalency-exam
Class Locations and Schedules
- Free Adult Ed/HSE/GED classes offered online and in Hamilton, Madison, and Tipton Counties:
Daytime Classes | Days | Times | Location |
Anderson Mornings | M-Th | 9am - Noon | Anderson WorkOne |
Noblesville Mornings | M, W, & F | 9am - Noon | Redeeming Love Church Noblesville |
Evening Classes | Days | Times | Location |
Anderson ESL | M & W | 6:00-9:00 pm | Anderson WorkOne |
Anderson - M/W | M & W | 6:00-9:00 pm | Anderson WorkOne |
Anderson - T/TH | 6:00-9:00 pm | Anderson WorkOne | |
Alexandria | T & Th | 5:30-9 pm | Church of the Nazarene |
Elwood Evenings | T & Th | 5:30-9 pm | Hinds Career Center |
Noblesville Evenings | M & W | 5:30-9 pm | Noblesville WorkOne |
Westfield | M & Th | 5:30-9 pm | Westfield Middle School |
Online Virtual Classes | 9 Hrs. per Week | Online - Must Have a Device |
How much does it cost?
- Classes are free of charge. Testing costs are $120 or less, which includes all of the tests, test scoring, transcripts and diploma.
- Readiness testing and scholarships for testing costs available.