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Community Promotions

Noblesville Schools does consider requests for promoting community youth activities and organizations. 

Interested organizations must complete this form to apply.

Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and evaluated based on profit status, organizational relationship with the district, location (local to Noblesville), mission and interest to parents/students.

Approved organizations will have a *LINK* to their online information shared electronically through our school newsletters and descriptions may be edited for space or clarity.

We do not distribute paper or electronic flyers/promotional materials, post signage, share contact information, gather or provide data, use district social media to promote community organizations, or provide in-person forums.

Please note that requests for sponsorships, fundraising opportunities or charitable donations should not be included in this form and can be addressed by contacting the school principal or Executive Director of Marketing and Communications. Employee discount opportunities should also not be included here and will be evaluated by our Benefits Coordinator.