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eLearning at Noblesville Schools

When does Noblesville Schools use eLearning? 

eLearning days are used during inclement weather or when there are other unforeseen circumstances that prohibit attending school. Using eLearning days for inclement weather preserves instructional days so there are no missed days to make up and no disruptions to summer plans. 

What should students be doing on an eLearning day? 

Our goal is that eLearning days should be productive and meaningful, without overwhelming our students and families. Learning activities will be varied according to the course, subject, skills, and knowledge involved in the lesson.

What do I do if my child needs support on an eLearning day? 

Teachers will be available for support and students and parents should contact them for academic assistance on eLearning days through the specific method communicated by the teacher. Parents can access our technology support page for tech assistance or call the Technology Helpdesk at 317-773-2130 for assistance on eLearning days.

I have more questions

Go here for more information and resources regarding eLearning days.
