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English Language Arts

Literacy Vision Statement 

The overall literacy vision of elementary school educators is to foster a deep appreciation and understanding of reading, writing, and word study that encourages learners to be self-reflective and to positively impact their community through the authentic transfer of reading and writing habits, knowledge, skills, and strategies. Noblesville teachers will create strength-based, high-quality literacy instruction that helps all students learn with purpose, proficiency, power, and joy. 

comprehensive literacy framework includes elements of balanced literacy instruction


Infographic transcript

Literacy Learning Beliefs

We believe learners will…

  • Appreciate, value the importance of, and develop a passion for reading and the craft of writing across all genres and through multiple mediums 
  • Think and respond critically to a multitude of texts as new information is sought through evaluation, analysis, and synthesis considering multiple viewpoints
  • Engage in meaningful student-to-student discourse respecting a variety of diverse perspectives
  • Communicate effectively through writing with the intended audience in mind
  • View one’s written craft as a means of continual revision and reflection
  • Understand and apply words and language to effectively communicate in authentic contexts
  • Construct and continually refine a knowledgeable base of vocabulary 
  • Deconstruct words precisely through an understanding of fundamental strategies and principles 
Noblesville Schools Reading, Writing, and Word Study (Phonics) Curriculum
PreK Literacy
Kindergarten Literacy
Grade 1 Literacy
Grade 2 Literacy
Grade 3 Literacy
Grade 4 Literacy
Grade 5 Literacy

*Note: Noblesville Schools will be engaging in an English Language Arts Program Review in grades K-12 during the 2024-2025 school year.