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AP and Dual Credit Information

Advanced Placement: Social Studies and ELA

Advanced Placement is a program of rigourous college-level courses and examinations. Each course culminates with an exam developed by the College Board. Many colleges and universities allow freshmen to receive credit for one to three semesters of college work if they have earned an acceptable grade on an Advanced Placement exam. To learn more about Advanced Placement coursework, the end-of-year exam, and other related topics, visit College Board’s website, found here. This page will be updated as additional content areas are added to the website. 


AP-level courses follow a syllabus approach that is connected to the College Board’s required content. All Noblesville AP syllabi are submitted to the Collegeboard for approval. Please contact your child’s AP teacher directly for a copy of the course syllabus to have a better understanding of the course's goals and texts. You can also view course content and the pace of study by accessing your child’s Canvas course as a parent observer.

Social Studies Advanced Placement

The following Advanced Placement courses are offered by the Social Studies department at Noblesville High School:

AP United States Government & Politics

AP United States History

AP World History: Modern

AP European History

AP Macroeconomics

AP Microeconomics

AP Psychology

English/Language Arts Advanced Placement

The following Advanced Placement courses are offered by the English department at Noblesville High School:

AP Language and Composition (11th grade)

AP Literature and Composition (12th grade)

AP Language and Composition is a course focused primarily on the critical analysis of nonfiction texts. Students learn to deeply analyze components of argumentative and informational essays and write for a variety of purposes.

AP Literature and Composition (12th grade) focuses on poetry, drama, and fiction from different time periods in history. Students will identify and analyze important movements and concepts within the study of literature and will write essays to analyze specific works of literature and ideas. 

 Dual Credit

Dual Credit coursework is a program of college-level coursework in partnership with a specific college or university, made available to high school students. Please note that while all students can earn high school credits for taking dual credit courses, there are often prerequisite courses that must be successfully completed in order to take the course for college credit. 

Course material, readings, and course syllabi are created and approved by the partnering university. Please contact your child’s Dual Credit teacher directly for a copy of the dual credit syllabus. You can also view course content and the pace of study by accessing your child’s Canvas course as a parent observer

Currently, the Social Studies department at Noblesville High School offers the following dual credit courses:

ACP United States History (H105 / H106) - A partnership with Indiana University