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Defining Curriculum

Curriculum in Noblesville Schools is the path of learning for a yearlong course or grade level subject area, designed based on Indiana Academic Standards and Indiana Course Descriptions, by collaborative teacher teams, to achieve student learning of specific academic skills and concepts. Certified teachers at Noblesville Schools examine the Indiana Academic Standards and Indiana Course Descriptions, use a framework to plan units, and then deliver instruction with curricular materials that support the standards and course descriptions. 

There are often questions about the difference between curricular materials and supplemental materials. The purpose and distinction between these two types of materials is important and explained below.

Curricular materials are systematically organized materials designed to provide a specific level of instruction in a subject matter category, including:

       A. books;

       B. hardware that will be consumed, accessed, or used by a single student during a semester or school year;

      C. computer software; and

        D. digital content.

Curricular materials are the primary resource used by teachers for instruction, and are approved by the school board.

Supplemental materials are selected and used in addition to curricular materials as needed. This might occur if a class or grade level has a particular interest that the teacher wants to honor, specific reading abilities that would be better served by additional readings, or other reasons related to student learning. Supplemental materials are generally selected by collaborative teams, and teachers receive guidance on considerations for selection.

Designing Curriculum 

Curriculum for grades K-12 is created using a backwards design process. Some of the key principles that guide this curriculum design work include:

  1. Curriculum design starts with the Indiana Academic Standards and Indiana Course Titles and Descriptions. Teachers break down these standards and course descriptions, analyze them closely, and plan learning units based on the specific academic goals.

  2. Curriculum is planned “backwards” from long-term desired results for student learning. Teachers ask themselves when planning a unit, “What desired end result do I have for my learners?” 

  3. Backwards design is a way of thinking purposefully about curriculum planning but it is not a program or specific way to teach.

  4. A primary goal of curriculum design is to develop student understanding of big ideas and promote critical thinking, not just the memorization of facts.

 Enrolling in Canvas 




As always, the best way to have up-to-date specific information about your child’s class, enroll as a Parent Observer in Canvas. To do that, click here and follow the instructions. It’s easy to sign up, and it helps you to stay informed. If you need any assistance in getting enrolled, we are here to help. Several options are listed below:

  1. Submit a help desk ticket to request assistance. Click here to submit a ticket.
  2. Email tech support directly at or call 317-773-2130.
  3. Follow along step-by-step in a handbook that shows you how to access Canvas as well as other important educational tools offered by Noblessville Schools: Click here to review the Online Learning Handbook for Caregivers, Miller Explorers Site Leaders, and Public Library Staff
  4. Click here to access the handbook in Spanish.