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What is ILEARN?

Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network (ILEARN) is the summative accountability assessment required by state and federal legislation for Indiana students in grades 3 through 8 and high school Biology. ILEARN measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards for:

  • English/Language Arts (Grades 3-8),
  • Math (Grades 3-8),
  • Science (Grades 4 & 6)
  • Social Studies (Grade 5)

Noblesville Schools uses many methods to assess a child's learning and ILEARN is one way that teachers, schools, and the district analyze information about student growth and achievement.

More information can be found on the Indiana Department of Education's ILEARN website:

Where can I view the types of questions that can be found on ILEARN?

Resources to help students prepare for and understand test results can be found on the ILEARN Students and Families website:

Students and families can become familiar with the testing system and types of questions on ILEARN by clicking on the Released Items Repository Site in the "Preparing for Testing" section.

What information can be found on my student's Individual Student Report?

An interpretive guide, which explains all of the sections of your student's Individual Student Report, can be found on the Indiana ILEARN resources page:

Can parents and schools request a rescore?

In accordance with Indiana Code 20-32-5.1-13, parents and schools must have an opportunity to review and/or request a rescore for any eligible open-ended item(s) which students responded to on the ILEARN assessment. If you are interested in participating in this process, you must contact your student's school and make arrangements to view your student’s responses to any open-ended ILEARN items and request any rescores at the school. There is not a separate online portal for parents to access this information. Remote or virtual meetings to share or discuss test content are not allowed.

Parents or guardians must sign and date a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) at the school before viewing any test content. All test content (e.g., passages, items, responses, scoring rubrics) is secure and must not be discussed, shared, distributed, or duplicated in any way. The rescore request window is the only time student responses to open-ended items are visible. Items and responses will not be available outside of the rescore request window which ends on May 31st. Secure test content will remain in the item pool for possible use in future test administrations.

Together with your student's principal, you may view images of your child’s response to each open-ended item, as well as related sample score-point responses and scoring rubrics to help you decide whether to request a rescore for the response. The principal will submit any rescore request(s) on your behalf in the online platform, if desired. A rescore request can only be submitted one time for an item. Once a rescore request is submitted, the request and/or score change cannot be reversed and the item image will no longer be visible.

ILEARN rescore requests may result in an increased or DECREASED scale score.