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Noblesville Schools District Assessment Calendar

2024-25 Noblesville Schools District Assessment Calendar  

State Mandated Assessments

NWEA Early Literacy Assessment

[Grades: K-2 | Fall] A universal screener that measures foundational reading skills and meets the requirements of Indiana law (SB 217). The screener is utilized along with other reading assessments to determine if a child needs additional support (intervention) in specific foundational reading skills. Though the results from the NWEA Early Literacy Screener can be used to predict possible signs of future reading difficulties, including characteristics of dyslexia, they are not a diagnosis of dyslexia or a reading disability.

I AM (Indiana's Alternate Measure)

[Grades: 3-8 & 10 (students with significant cognitive disabilities) | Spring] A state assessment that measures student achievement and growth in English/Language Arts (Grades 3-8 and 10), Math (Grades 3-8 and 10), Science (Grades 4, 6, and Biology), and Social Studies (Grade 5) according to Indiana's Content Connectors aligned to the Indiana Academic Standards. I AM is the summative accountability assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities.

ILEARN (Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network)

[Grades: 3-8 & Biology Courses | Spring] A state assessment that measures student achievement and growth in English/Language Arts (Grades 3-8), Math (Grades 3-8), Science (Grades 4, 6, and Biology), and Social Studies (Grade 5) according to Indiana Academic Standards. ILEARN is the summative accountability assessment for Indiana students.

IREAD-3 (Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination)

[Grades: 2 & 3 | Spring] A state assessment that measures foundational reading standards and meets the requirements of state law (House Enrolled Act 1367).


[Grades: K-12 (Multilingual/English Language Learner students) | Winter] A state assessment that measures a student's current level of English proficiency and is also used for accountability purposes.

High School Assessments


[Grades: High School | Fall & Spring] A college entrance exam used by colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The SAT measures a high school student's readiness for college based on their performance in math, evidence-based reading, and writing. The SAT is the high school accountability assessment for students enrolled in grade 11.

Locally Administered Assessments

NWEA Adaptive Oral Reading Assessment

[Grades: K-5 | Fall (3-5 only), Winter, & Spring] An adaptive assessment selected by Noblesville Schools that can cover foundational reading skills up to oral reading fluency, depending on what your student is ready to learn. Most students in grades K-1 will be assessed on foundational reading skills similar to what is assessed on the fall NWEA Early Literacy Screener.


[Grades: K-8 | Fall, Winter, & Spring (K-2 only)] An assessment that Noblesville Schools selected to measure what students know, inform what they're ready to learn next, and compare their results to other students nationwide.